
Li, W.N., Hsiao, K.Y., Wang, C.A., Chang, N., Hsu, P.L., Sun, C.H., Wu, S.R., Wu, M.H. and Tsai, S.J. (2020) Extracellular vesicle-associated VEGF-C promotes lymphangiogenesis and immune cells infiltration in endometriosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 117, 25859-25868.

Lin, Y.C., Yu, Y.S., Lin, H.H. and Hsiao, K.Y. (2020) Oxaliplatin-induced DHX9 phosphorylation promotes oncogenic circular RNA CCDC66 expression and development of chemoresistance. Cancers, 12, 697.

Lin, Y.C., Lee, Y.C., Chang, K.L. and Hsiao, K.Y. (2019) Analysis of common targets for circular RNAs. BMC Bioinformatics, 20, 372.

Wu, M.H., Hsiao, K.Y., Tsai, S.J. (2019) Hypoxia: The force of endometriosis. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 45, 532-541.

Fu, J.L.*, Hsiao, K.Y.*, Lee, H.C., Li, W.N., Chang, N., Wu, M.H. and Tsai, S.J. (2018) Suppression of COUP-TFII upregulates angiogenin and promotes angiogenesis in endometriosis. Hum Reprod, 33, 1517-1527. *: equal contribution.​​

Hsiao, K.Y., Lin, Y.C., Gupta, S.K., Chang, N., Yen, L., Sun, H.S. and Tsai, S.J. (2017) Noncoding effects of circular RNA CCDC66 promote colon cancer growth and metastasis. Cancer Res, 77, 2339-50. Highly cited paper and hot paper (rated by Web of Science)

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Hsiao, K.Y., Chang, N., Tsai, J.L., Lin, S.C. and Wu, M.H. (2017) Hypoxia-inhibited DUSP2 expression promotes IL-6/STAT3 signaling in endometriosis. Am J Reprod Immunol, 78, e12690.

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