
1.Hsu, C.J., Tu, C.W., Huang, Y.W., Kuo, S.W., Lee, R.H., Liu, Y.T., Hsueh, J.Y.,* Aimi, Junko.,* Huang, C.F.* 2020. Synthesis of poly(styrene)-b-poly(2-vinyl pyridine) four-arm star b copolymers via ATRP and their self-assembly behaviors. Polymer (Nov 10 2020 online)
2.Hus, L. C., Tzou, Y. M., Ho, M.S, Sivakumar, C., Cho, Y.L., Li, W.H., Chiang, P.N., Teah, H.Y., Liu, Y.T.* 2020. Preferential Phosphate Sorption and Al Substitution on Goethite. Environmental Science-Nano. 7:3497-3508. (SCI, IF: 7.683, 16/265 in Environmental Sciences) (DOI: 10.1039/C9EN01435G) (Sep 24 2020)
3.Gerson, J.R.,* Naslund, L.C., Liu, Y.T., Hsu-Kim, H., Driscoll, C.T., Ross, M.R.V., Waters, N.N., Bernhardt E.S. 2020. Mercury and selenium loading in mountap mining impacted alkaline streams and riparian food webs. Biogeochemistry. 150:109-122. (SCI, IF: 4.161, 23/200 in Geosciences, Multidisciplinary) (July 21 2020)
4.Lin, M.Y., Chen, Y.C., Lin, D.Y., Hwang, B.F., Hsu, H.T., Cheng, Y.H., Liu, Y.T., Tsai, P.J.* 2020. Effect of implementing electronic toll collection in reducing highway particulate matter pollution. Environmental Science & Technology. 54:9210-9216. (SCI, IF: 7.864, 15/265 in Environmental Sciences) (June 26 2020)
5.Cho, Y.L., Lee, Y.C., Hsu, L.C., Wang, C.C., Chen, P.C., Liu, S.L., Teah, H. Y., Liu, Y.T.,* Tzou, Y.M.* 2020. Molecular mechanisms for Pb removal by Cyanidiales: a potential biomaterial applied in thermo-acidic conditions. Chemical Engineering Journal. 401:125828. (SCI, IF: 10.652, 4/143 in Engineering, Chemical) (Jun 10 2020)
6.Chen, K.Y., Liu, Y.T., Hsieh, Y.C., Tzou, Y.M.* 2020. Organic fragments newly released from heat-treated peat soils synergies with dissolved organic carbon to enhance Cr(VI) removal. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 201:110800. (SCI, IF: 4.872, 11/92 in Toxicology) (Jun 13 2020)
7.Chiu, H.Y., Wi-Afedzi, T., Liu, Y.T.,* Ghanbari, F., Lin, K.Y.* Cobalt oxides with various 3D nanostructured morphologies for catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol: a comparative study. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 37:101379. (SCI, IF: 3.465, 15/94 in Water Resources) (Jun 20 2020)
8.Tzou, Y.M., Chen, K.Y., Cheng, C.Y., Lee, W.Z., Teah, H.Y., Liu, Y.T.* 2020. Redox reactions between chromium(VI) and hydroquinone: native pathways for polymerization of organic molecules. Environmental Pollution. 261:114024. (SCI, IF: 6.792, 21/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Jan 23 2020)


9.Tzou, Y.M., Chan, Y.T., Chen, S.E., Wang, C.C., Chiang, P.N., Teah, H.Y., Hung, J.T., Wu, J.J., Liu, Y.T.* 2019. Use 3-D tomography to reveal structural modification of bentonite-enriched clay by nonionic surfactants: application of organo-clay composites to detoxify aflatoxin B1 in chickens. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 375:312-319. (SCI, IF: 9.038, 8/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Apr 29 2019)
10.Chen, K.Y., Tzou, Y.M., Chan, Y.T., Wu, J.J., Teah, H.Y., Liu, Y.T.* 2019. Removal and simultaneous reduction of Cr(VI) by organo-Fe(III) composites produced during coprecipitation and coagulation processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 376:12-20. (SCI, IF: 9.038, 8/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Apr 27 2019)
11.Xie, T., Li, Y., Dong, H., Liu, Y.T., Wang, M.K., Wang, G. 2019. Effects and mechanisms on the reduction of lead accumulation in rice grains through lime amendment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 173: 266-272. (SCI, IF: 4.872, 11/92 in Toxicology) (May 30 2019)
12.Antoniadis, V., Golia, E.E., Liu, Y.T., Wang, S.L., Shaheen, S.M., Rinklebe, J.* 2019. Soil and maize contamination by trace elements and associated health risk assessment in the industrial area of Volos, Greece. Environment International. 124:79-88. (SCI, IF: 7.577, 18/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Jan 11 2019)
13.Hsu, L.C., Tzou, Y.M., Chiang, P.N., Fu, W.M., Wang, M.K., Teah, H.Y., Liu, Y.T.* 2019. Adsorption mechanisms of chromate and phosphate on hydrotalcite: a combination of macroscopic and spectroscopic studies. Environmental Pollution. 247:180-187. (SCI, IF: 6.792, 21/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Jan 8 2019)


14.Chen, K.Y., Hsu, L.C., Chan, Y.T., Cho, Y.L., Tsao, F.Y., Tzou, Y.M., Hsieh, Y.C., Liu, Y.T.* 2018. Phosphate removal in relation to structural development of humic acid-iron coprecipitates. Scientific Reports. 8:10363. (SCI, IF: 3.998, 17/71 in Multidisciplinary Sciences) (Jul 9 2018)
15.Hsu, L.C., Cho, Y.L., Liu, Y.T.,* Tzou, Y.M.,* Teah, H.Y. 2018. Capacity and recycling of polyoxometalate applied in As(III) oxidation by Fe(II)-amended zero-valent aluminum. Chemosphere. 200:1-7. (SCI, IF: 5.778, 29/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Feb 12 2018)
16.Chan, Y.T., Liu, Y.T.,* Tzou, Y.M.,* Kuan, W.H., Chang, R.R., Wang, M.K. 2018. Kinetics and equilibrium adsorption study of selenium oxyanions onto Al/Si and Fe/Si coprecipitates. Chemosphere. 198:59-67. (SCI, IF: 5.778, 29/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Feb 3 2018)
17.Hsu, L.C., Liu, Y.T.,* Syu, C.H., Huang, M.H., Tzou, Y.M.,* Teah, H.Y. 2018. Adsorption of tetracycline on Fe (hydr)oxides: effects of pH and metal cation (Cu2+, Zn2+, and Al3+) addition in various molar ratios. Royal Society Open Science. 5:171941. (SCI, IF: 2.647, 28/71 in Multidisciplinary Sciences) (Mar 28 2018)


18.Zhao, M., Liu, Y.T., Li, H.H., Cai, Y., Wang, M.K., Chen, Y., Xie, T., Wang G.* 2017. Effects and mechanisms of meta-sodium silicate amendments on lead uptake and accumulation by rice. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24:21700-21709. (SCI, IF: 3.056, 99/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Jul 31 2017)


19.Hsu, L.C., Chen, K.Y., Chan, Y.T., Deng, Youjun, Hwang, C.E., Liu, Y.T.,* Wang, S.L., Kuan, W.H., Tzou, Y.M.* 2016. Catalytic oxidation and removal of arsenite in the presence of Fe ions and zero-valent Al metals. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 317:237-245. (SCI, IF: 9.038, 8/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Nov 5 2016)
20.Chen, K.Y., Chen, T.Y., Chan, Y.T., Cheng, C.Y., Tzou, Y.M.,* Liu, Y.T. *, Teah, H.Y. 2016. Stabilization of natural organic matter by short-range-order Fe hydroxides. Environmental Science & Technology. 50:12612-12620. (SCI, IF: 7.864, 15/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Oct 26 2016)
21.Hsu, L.C., Huang, C.Y., Chuang, Y.H., Chen, H.W., Chan, Y.T., Teah, H.Y., Chen, T.Y., Chang C.F., Liu, Y.T.,* Tzou, Y.M.* 2016. Accumulation of heavy metals and trace elements in fluvial sediments received effluents from traditional and semiconductor industries. Scientific Reports. 6:34250. (SCI, IF: 3.998, 17/71 in Multidisciplinary Sciences) (Sep 29 2016)
22.Chen, T.Y.,* Chang, S.T., Hu, C.W., Liao, Y.F., Sue, Y.J., Hsu, Y.Y., Wang, K.W., Liu, Y.T.* 2016. Self-aligned synthesis of a NiPt-alloycore@Ptshell nanocrystal with contrivable heterojunction structure and oxygen reduction activity. CrystEngComm. 18:5860-5868. (SCI, IF: 3.117, 7/26 in Crystallography) (Aug 21 2016)
23.Li, H.H., Liu, Y.T., Chen Y.H., Wang, S.L., Wang, M.K., Xie, T.H., Wang, G.* 2016. Biochar amendment immobilizes lead in rice paddy soils and reduces its phytoavailability. Scientific Reports. 6:31616. (SCI, IF: 3.998, 17/71 in Multidisciplinary Sciences) (Aug 17 2016)
24.Cheng, C.Y., Chan, Y.T., Tzou, Y.M.,* Chen, K.Y., Liu, Y.T. 2016. Spectroscopic investigations of the oxidative polymerization of hydroquinone in the presence of hexavalent chromium. Journal of Spectroscopy. 2016. Article ID 7958351. (SCI, IF: 1.243, 28/42 in Spectroscopy) (Aug 22 2016)
25.Chen, T.Y.,* Huang, P.C., Liao, Y.F., Liu, Y.T., Yeh, T.K., Lin, T.L.* 2016. Shell thickness effects on reconfiguration of NiOcore–Ptshell anodic catalysts in a high current density direct methanol fuel cell. RSC Advances. 6:72607-72615. (SCI, IF: 3.119, 73/177 in Chemistry, Multidisciplinary) (Jul 25 2016)
26.Tzeng, T.W., Wang, S.L., Chen, C.C. Tan, C.C., Liu, Y.T., Chen, T.Y., Tzou, Y.M.,* Chen, C.C., Hung, J.T.* 2016. Photolysis and photocatalytic decomposition of sulfamethazine antibiotics in an aqueous solution with TiO2. RSC advances. 6:69301-69310 (SCI, IF: 3.119, 73/177 in Chemistry, Multidisciplinary) (Jul 11 2016)
27.Chen, T.Y.,* Liu, Y.T., Wu, P.C., Hu, C.W., Yang, P.W., Hsu, L.C., Lee, C.H., Chang, C.C.* 2016. Lithiation-induced crystal restructuring of hydrothermally prepared Sn/TiO2 nanocrystallite with substantially enhanced capacity and cycling performance for lithium-ion battery. RSC Advances. 6:48620-48629. (SCI, IF: 3.119, 73/177 in Chemistry, Multidisciplinary) (May 3 2016)
28.Chan, Y.T., Kuan, W.H., Tzou, Y.M., Chen, T.Y., Liu, Y.T.,* Wang, M.K., Teah, H.Y. 2016. Molecular structures of Al/Si and Fe/Si coprecipitates and the implication for selenite removal. Scientific Reports. 6:24716. (SCI, IF: 3.998, 17/71 in Multidisciplinary Sciences) (Apr 20 2016)
29.Chen, T.Y.,* Liu, Y.T.,* Wang, J.H., Lee, G.W., Yang, P.W., Wang, K.W. 2016. Size effect of atomic gold clusters for carbon monoxide passivation at Rucore-Ptshell nanocatalysts. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 120:7621-7628. (SCI, IF: 4.189, 90/314 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary) (Mar 16 2016)
30.Tzeng, T.W., Liu, Y.T., Deng, Y., Hsieh, Y.C., Tan, C.C., Wang, S.L., Huang, S.T., Tzou, Y. M.* 2016. Removal of sulfamethazine antibiotics using cow manure-based carbon adsorbents. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 13:973-984. (SCI, IF: 2.540, 125/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Jan 7 2016)
31.Chang, R.R., Wang, S.L., Liu, Y.T., Chan, Y.T., Hung, J.T., Tzou, Y.M.,* Tseng, K.J. 2016. Interactions of the products of oxidative polymerization of hydroquinone as catalyzed by birnessite with Fe (hydr)oxides - an implication of the reactive pathway for humic substance formation. RSC Advances. 6:20750-20760. (SCI, IF: 3.119, 73/177 in Chemistry, Multidisciplinary) (Jan 27 2016)
32.Lin, K.Y.,* Liu, Y.T., Chen, S.Y. 2016. Adsorption of fluoride to UiO-66-NH2 in water: stability, kinetic, isotherm and thermodynamic studies. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 461:79-87. (SCI, IF: 7.489, 31/159 in Chemistry, Physical) (Jan 1 2016)


33.Yang, P.W., Liu, Y.T., Hsu, S.P., Wang, K.W., Jeng, U.S., Lin, T.L., Chen, T.Y.* 2015. Core-shell nano crystallite growth via heterogeneous interface manipulation. CrystEngComm. 17:8623-8631. (SCI, IF: 3.117, 7/26 in Crystallography). Inside Front Cover of the issue. (Dec 7 2015)
34.Hsu, L.C., Liu, Y.T.,* Tzou, Y.M.* 2015. Comparison of the spectroscopic speciation and chemical fractionation of chromium in contaminated paddy soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 296:230-238. (SCI, IF: 9.038, 8/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Oct 15 2015)
35.Chen, T.Y.,* Li, H.D., Lee, G. W., Huang, P.C., Yang, P.W., Liu, Y.T., Liao, Y.F., Jeng, H.T., Lin, D.S., Lin, T.L. 2015. Gold atomic clusters extracting the valence electrons to shield the carbon monoxide passivation on near monolayers core-shell nanocatalysts in methanol oxidation reactions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17:15131-15139. (SCI, IF: 3.430, 8/37 in Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical) (Jun 21 2015)
36.Chen, T.Y.,* Lee, G.W., Liu, Y.T., Liao, Y.F., Huang, C.C., Lin, D.S.,* Lin, T.L. 2015. Heterojunction confinement on atomic structure evolution of near monolayer core-shell nanocatalysts in redox reactions of direct methanol fuel cell. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 3:1518-1529. (SCI, IF: 11.301, 8/112 in Energy & Fuels) (Jan 28 2015)


37.Liu, Y.T.* 2014. Un phosphorus from soils based on molecular level mechanisms. In the special issue of 25 visions for sustainable phosphorus tomorrow published by European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform. 106:25-26.
38.Huang, P.C., Chen, H.S., Liu, Y.T., Chen, I.L., Huang, S.Y., Nguyen, H.M., Wang, K.W., Hu, C.C., Chen, T.Y.* 2014. Oxidation triggered atomic restructures enhancing the electrooxidation activities of carbon supported platinum-ruthenium catalysts. CrystEngComm. 16:10066-10079. (SCI, IF: 3.117, 7/26 in Crystallography) (Nov 21 2014)
39.Arnold, M.C., Lindberg, T.T., Liu, Y.T., Porter, K.A., Hsu-Kim, H., Hn, D.E., DiGiulio, R.T.* 2014. Bioaccumulation and speciation of selenium in fish and insects collected from a mountap removal coal mining-impacted stream in West Virginia. Ecotoxicology. 23:929-938. (SCI, IF: 2.535, 126/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Apr 11 2014)
40.Chin, C.J., Chen, T.Y., Lee, M.S., Chang, C.F.,* Liu, Y.T., Kuo, Y.T. 2014. Effective anodic oxidation of naproxen by platinum nanoparticles coated FTO glass. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 277:110-119. (SCI, IF: 9.038, 8/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Jul 30 2014)
41.Wang, J.J. Liu, Y.T., Chen, I.L., Yang, Y.W., Yeh, T.K., Lee, C.H., Hu, C.C., Wen, T.C., Chen, T.Y.,* Lin, T.L.* 2014. Near-monolayer platinum shell on core-shell nanocatalysts for high-performance direct methanol fuel cell. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118:2253-2262. (SCI, IF: 4.189, 90/314 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary) (Jan 18 2014)


42.Liu, Y.T., Chen, T.Y., Mackebee, W.G., Ruhl, L., Vengosh, A., Hsu-Kim, H.* 2013. Selenium speciation in coal ash spilled at the Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston site. Environmental Science & Technology. 47:14001-14009. (SCI, IF: 7.864, 15/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Nov 22 2013)
43.Wu, C.Y., Liu, Y.T., Huang, P.C., Luo, T.J. M., Lee, C.H., Yang, Y.W., Wen, T.C., Chen, T.Y.,* Lin, T.L.* 2013. Heterogeneous junction engineering on core-shell nanocatalysts boosts the dye-sensitized solar cell. Nanoscale. 5:9181-9192. (SCI, IF: 6.895, 23/154 in Physics, Applied) (Jul 19 2013)
44.Conley, J.M., Funk, D.H., Hesterberg, D., Hsu, L.C., Kan, J., Liu, Y.T., Buchw, D.B.* 2013. Bioconcentration and biotransformation of SeO3 versus SeO4 exposed periphyton and subsequent toxicity to the mayfly Centroptilum triangulifer. Environmental Science & Technology. 47:7965-7973. (SCI, IF: 7.864, 15/265 in Environmental Sciences) (June 17 2013)
45.Chen, T.Y.,* Liu, Y.T., Chen, H.S., Wang, K.W., Yang, C.T., Luo, T.J.M., Lee, C.H.,* Lin, T.L. 2013. Crystal growth of platinum-ruthenium bimetallic nanocrystallite and their methanol electrooxidation activity. CrystEngComm. 15:3932-3942. (SCI, IF: 3.117, 7/26 in Crystallography) (Mar 12 2013)
46.Chen, T.Y.,* Liu, Y.T., Nguyen, H.M., Fan, L.J., Wu, C.Y., Luo, T.J.M., Lee, C.H., Yang, Y.W., Wen, T.C., Lin, T.L.* 2013. Ruthenium core-activated platinum monolayer shell high redox activity cathodic electrocatalysts for dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 1:5660-5669. (SCI, IF: 11.301, 8/112 in Energy & Fuels) (Mar 5 2013)
47.Chen, T.Y.,* Chen, I.L., Liu, Y.T., Lin, T.L.,* Yang, P.W., Wu, C.Y., Hu, C.C., Luo, T.J.M., Lee, C.H. 2013. Core-dependent growth of platinum shell nanocrystals and their electrochemical characteristics for fuel cells. CrystEngComm. 15:982-994. (Equal contribution as the 2nd author) (SCI, IF: 3.117, 7/26 in Crystallography) (Nov 14 2012)
48.Liu, Y.T., Hesterberg, D.* 2011. Phosphate bonding on noncrystalline Al/Fe-hydroxide coprecipitates. Environmental Science & Technology. 45:6283-6289. (SCI, IF: 7.864, 15/265 in Environmental Sciences) (30 Jun 2011)
49.Kizewski, F., Liu, Y.T., Morris, A., Hesterberg, D.* 2011. Spectroscopic approaches for phosphorus speciation in soils and other environmental s. Journal of Environmental Quality. 40:751-766. (SCI, IF: 2.142, 152/265 in Environmental Sciences) (May 1 2011)
50.Liu, Y.T., Chen, T.Y., Wang, M.K.,* Huang, P.M., Chiang, P.N., Lee J.F. 2010. Mechanistic study of arsenate sorption on lithium/aluminum layered double hydroxide. Applied Clay Science. 48:485-491. (SCI, IF: 4.605, 2/30 in Mineralogy) (Feb 24 2010)
51.Liu, Y.T., Wang, M.K.,* Chen, T.Y., Chiang, P.N., Huang, P.M., Lee J.F. 2006. Arsenate sorption on lithium/aluminum layered double hydroxide intercalated by chloride and on gibbsite: sorption isotherms, envelopes, and spectroscopic studies. Environmental Science & Technology. 40:7784-7789. (SCI, IF: 7.864, 15/265 in Environmental Sciences) (Nov. 1 2006)