Heng-Jui Liu received his Ph. D from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at National Tsing Huang University in 2012. After postdoctoral research for several years, he acquired an assistant professorship in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at National Chung Hsing University in 2016. He has a nearly 10-year abundant experience in fabrication and characterization of complex oxide heterostructures like multilayer films and nanostructures through PVD process and synchrotron sources, respectively. Now his research interest is to investigate and develop novel low-dimensional complex oxide materials, including oxide monolayers, nanostructures, and 2-dimensional materials, which have been considered as the one of the most potential candidates for developing next generation electron devices and materials for green energy.
Electrical Engineering、Industrial Engineering、Materials Engineering、Physics
Low-dimensional oxide electronics
Novel materials for green energy
X-ray diffraction and absorption
Thin film engineering.