
1. Chen MH, Kao CF*(共同通訊作者), Tsai SJ*, Li CT, Lin WC, Hong CJ, Bai YM, Tu PC, Su TP*. (2022 Jan). Corrigendum to ′Treatment response to low-dose ketamine infusion for treatment-resistant depression: a gene-based genome-wide association study′ [Genomics. 2021 Mar;113(2):507-514]. Genomics 114:470. [SCI: 5.736, Genetics & Heredity, Q1: 28/176=15.91%]

2. Lee WC, Chen PY, Kao CF*(共同通訊作者), Huang MC*. (2021 Dec). Differences in serum orexin-A levels between the acute and subacute withdrawal phases in individuals who use methamphetamine. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 29(6):573-579. [SCI: 3.157, Psychology, Biological, Q2: 6/14=42.86%]

3. Kuo CY, Chen TY, Kao PH, Huang W, Cho CR, Lai YS, Yiang GT, Kao CF*. (2021 Nov) Genetic pathways and functional subnetworks for the complex nature of bipolar disorder in genome-wide association study. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 14:772584. [SCI: 5.639, Neurosciences, Q1: 60/273=21.97%]

4. Lai MC, Lai ZY, Jhan LH, Lai YS, Kao CF*. (2021 Jan). Prioritization and uation of Flooding Tolerance Genes in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Frontiers in Genetics 11:612131. [SCI: 4.599, Genetics & Heredity, Q2: 48/176=27.27%]

5. Chen MH, Kao CF*(共同通訊作者), Tsai SJ*, Li CT, Lin WC, Hong CJ, Bai YM, Tu PC, Su TP*. (2021 Mar). Treatment response to low-dose ketamine infusion for treatment-resistant depression: a gene-based genome-wide association study. Genomics 113:507-514. [SCI: 5.736, Genetics & Heredity, Q1: 28/176=15.91%]

6. Kao CF*, He SS, Wang CS, Lai ZY, Lin DG, Chen S. (2021 Jan). A modified Roger’s distance algorithm for mixed quantitative-qualitative phenotypes to establish a core collection for Taiwanese vegetable soybeans. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:612106. [SCI: 5.754, Plant Sciences, Q1: 17/235=7.23%]

7. Kao CF, Kuo PH , Yu YWY, Yang AC, Lin E, Liu YL, Tsai SJ. (2020 Dec). Gene-based association analysis suggests association of HTR2A with antidepressant treatment response in depressed patients. Frontiers in Pharmacology 11:559601. [SCI: 5.811, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Q1: 40/276=14.49%]

8. Chu HL, Wang CS, He SS, Kao CF*. (2019 Jun) The establishment of core collection of Edamame in Taiwan. Crop, Environment & Bioinformatics 16(2):72-86.

9. Chen PY, Chen CH, Chang CK, Kao CF, Lu ML, Lin SK, Huang MC, Hwang LL, Mondelli V. (2019 Jan) Orexin-A levels in relation to the risk of metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia taking antipsychotics. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 22(1):28-36. [SCI: 5.176, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Q1: 58/276=21.01%]

10. Huang CY, Kao CF, Chen CC, Kuo PH, Huang MC. (2018 Jul) No association of CYP2E1 genetic polymorphisms with alcohol dependence in Han Taiwanese population. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 117(7):646-649. [SCI: 3.008, Medicine, General & Internal, Q2: 42/165=25.5%]

11. Kao CF, Liu YL, Yu YWY, Yang AC, Lin E, Kuo PH, Tsai SJ. (2018 May). Gene-based analysis of genes related to neurotrophic pathway suggests association of BDNF and VEGFA with antidepressant treatment-response in depressed patients. Scientific Reports 8:6983. [SCI : 3.998, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Q1: 17/71=23.9%]

12. Kuo PH, Chen YT, Kao CF, Yang AC, Tsai SJ, Liu YL. (2017 Aug) Identification of genetic loci for treatment response of ive serotonin reuptake inhibitors on empirically defined depression syndromal factors. European Neuropsychopharmacology 27:S390. [SCI: 3.853, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Q1: 67/271=24.7%]

13. Lin E, Tsai SJ, Kuo PH, Liu YL, Yang AC, Kao CF. (2017 Feb) Association and interaction effects of Alzheimer’s disease-associated genes and lifestyle on cognitive aging in older adults in a Taiwanese population. Oncotarget 8(15):24077-24087. [SCI: 5.168, Oncology, Q1: 44/217=20.3%]

14. Lin E, Kuo PH, Liu YL, Yang AC, Kao CF, Tsai SJ. (2017 Feb) Effects of circadian clock genes and environmental factors on cognitive aging in old adults in a Taiwanese population. Oncotarget 8:24088-24098. [SCI: 5.168, Oncology, Q1: 44/217=20.3%]

15. Lin E, Kuo PH, Liu YL, Yang AC, Kao CF, Tsai SJ. (2017 Mar) Effects of circadian clock genes and health-related behavior on metabolic syndrome in a Taiwanese population: Evidence from association and interaction analysis. PLoS ONE 12(3):e0173861. [SCI: 2.74, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Q2: 27/71=38.0%]

16. Lin E, Tsai SJ, Kuo PH, Liu YL, Yang AC, Kao CF, Yang CH. (2017 Feb) The ADAMTS9 gene is associated with cognitive aging in the elderly in a Taiwanese population. PLoS ONE 12(2):e0172440. [SCI: 2.74, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Q2: 27/71=38.0%]

17. Lin E, Tsai SJ, Kuo PH, Liu YL, Yang AC, Kao CF, Yang CH. (2017 Feb) The rs1277306 variant of the REST gene confers susceptibility to cognitive aging in the elderly in a Taiwanese population. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 43:119-127. [SCI: 2.310, Psychiatry, Q3: 85/155=54.8%].

18. Kao CF, Chen HW, Chen HC, Yang JH, Huang MC, Chiu YH, Lin SK, Lee YC, Liu CM, Chuang LC, Chen CH, Wu JY, Lu RB, Kuo PH. (2016 Dec) Identification of susceptible loci and enriched pathways for bipolar II disorder using genome-wide association studies. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 19(12):pyw064. [SCI: 4.333, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Q1: 47/271=17.3%]

19. Lin E, Kuo PH, Liu YL, Yang AC, Kao CF, Tsai SJ. (2016 Nov) Association and interaction of APOA5, BUD13, CEPT, LIPA and health-related behavior with metabolic syndrome in a Taiwanese population. Scientific Reports 6:36830. [SCI : 3.998, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Q1: 17/71=23.9%]

20. Chen WY§, Kao CF§, Chen PY, Lin SK, Huang MC. (2016 Feb) Orexin-A level elevation in recently abstinent male methamphetamine abusers. Psychiatry Research 239:9-11. [SCI: 2.208, Psychiatry, Q2: 62/142=43.7%]

21. Chen PY, Lu ML, Huang MC, Kao CF, Kuo PH, Chiu CC, Lin SK, Chen CH. (2015 Oct) The relationships of obesity-related genetic variants with metabolic profiles and response to metformin in clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 35(5):574-578. [SCI: 2.977, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Q2: 106/267=39.7%]

22. Yeh FC, Kao CF, Kuo PH. (2015 Jun) Explore the features of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in mood disorders. PLoS ONE 10(6):e0128605. [SCI: 2.776, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Q2: 24/69=34.8%]

23. Kao CF, Liu JR, Hung H, Kuo PH. (2015 Apr) A robust GWSS method to simultaneously detecting rare and common variants for complex disease. PLoS ONE 10(4):e0120873. [SCI: 2.776, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Q2: 24/69=34.8%]

24. Lai YC, Kao CF, Lu ML, Chen HC, Chen PY, Chen CH, Shen WW, Wu JY, Lu RB, Kuo PH. (2015 Mar) Investigation of associations between NR1D1, RORA and RORB genes and bipolar disorder. PLoS ONE 10(3):e0121245. [SCI: 2.776, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Q2: 24/69=34.8%]

25. Kao CF, Chuang LC, Kuo PH. (2014 Oct) Risk and information uation of prioritized genes for complex traits: application to bipolar disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 165B(7):596-606. [SCI: 3.123, Genetics & Heredity, Q2: 68/174= 39.1%]

26. Huang MC, Schwandt ML, Chester JA, Kirchhoff AM, Kao CF, Liang T, Tapocik JD, Ramchandani VA, George DT, Hodgkinson CA, Goldman D, Heilig M. (2014 Jul) FKBP5 moderates alcohol withdrawal severity: human genetic association and functional validation in knockout mice. Neuropsychopharmacology 39(8):2029-2038. [SCI: 7.160, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Q1: 11/267=4.1%]

27. Huang MC§, Kao CF§(共同第一作者), Chen PY, Lu ML, Kuo PH, Chiu CC, Chen CH. (2014 Feb) The genetic association of FTO with metabolic traits in patients with schizophrenia may be modified by antipsychotics. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 34(1):162-165. [SCI: 2.977, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Q2: 106/267=39.7%]

28. Chen YC§, Kao CF§(共同第一作者), Lu MK, Yang YK, Jang FL, Liao SC, Chen WJ, Lu RB, Kuo PH. (2014 Jan) The relationship of family characteristics and bipolar disorder using causal-pie models. European Psychiatry 29(1):36-43. [SCI, SSCI: 3.941, Psychiatry in SSCI edition, Q1: 24/142=16.9%]

29. Chen CH, Huang MC, Kao CF, Lin SK, Kuo PH, Chiu CC, Lu ML. (2013 May) Effects of adjunctive metformin on metabolic traits in non-diabetic clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia and the effect of metformin discontinuation on body weight: A 24-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 74(5):e424-430. [SCI, SSCI: 4.023, Psychology, clinical, Q1: 13/130=10.0%]

30. Chuang LC, Kao CF, Shih WL, Kuo PH. (2013 Jan) Pathway analysis using information from allele-specific gene methylation in genome-wide association studies for bipolar disorder. PLoS ONE 8(1):e53092. [SCI: 2.776, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Q2: 24/69=34.8%]

31. Shih WL, Kao CF, Chuang LC, Kuo PH. (2012 Dec) Incorporating information of microRNAs pathway analysis in a genome-wide association study of bipolar disorder. Frontiers in Genetics 3:293. [SCI: 4.599, Genetics & Heredity, Q2: 48/176=27.27%]

32. Kao CF, Jia P, Zhao Z, Kuo PH. (2012 Nov) Enriched pathways for major depressive disorder identified from a genome-wide association study. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 15(10):1401-1411. [SCI: 4.207, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Q1: 45/267=16.9%]

33. Jia P§, Kao CF§(共同第一作者). Kuo PH, Zhao Z. (2011 Dec) A comprehensive network and pathway analysis of candidate genes in major depressive disorder. BMC s Biology 5(Suppl 3):S12. [SCI: 2.048, Mathematical & Computational Biology, Q1: 22/59=37.3%]

34. Kuo PH, Kao CF, Chen PY, Chen CH, Tsai YS, Lu ML, Huang MC. (2011 Dec) Polymorphisms of INSIG2, MC4R, and LEP are associated with obesity- and metabolic-related traits in schizophrenic patients. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 31(6):705-711. [SCI: 2.977, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Q2: 106/267=39.7%]

35. Kao CF, Fang YS, Zhao Z, Kuo PH. (2011 Apr) Prioritization and uation of depression candidate genes by combining multidimensional data resources. PLoS ONE 6(4):e18696. [SCI: 2.776, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Q2: 24/69=34.8%]

36. Chen CH, Lu ML, Kuo PH, Tsai CJ, Chen PY, Chiu CC, Kao CF, Huang MC. (2011 Jan) Gender differences in the effects of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma 2 gene polymorphisms on metabolic adversity in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 35(1):239-245. [SCI: 4.315, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Q1: 41/267=15.4%]

37. Friede T, Henderson R, Kao CF. (2006 Apr) A note on testing for intervention effects on binary responses. Methods of Information in Medicine 45(4):435-440. [SCI: 1.024, Computer Science, Information s, Q4: 129/155=83.2%]