
· Tzong-Ru Lee, Tuomas Lappi, Young-Shun Lin, Love-Lyne Moise (2024). Construct Scientific Company Business Eco Taking B Scientific Company as an Example, 28th International Collaboration in the Data-centered World, pp243-247, Feb. 21-24, 2024.
· Lee, T. R., Lappi, T., Lin, Y. S., & Moise, L. L. (Feb 2024). Construct Scientific Company Business Eco-Taking B Scientific Company as an Example. 28th International Conference on IT Applications and Management, Changhua, Taiwan. Feb, 22. 243-247.
· Tzong-Ru Lee, Yong-Shun Lin, Melissa Leiden Welsh (2023). Using The New Teaching Method To Improve The Agricultural Literacy For College Students, Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference, Techonology, Innovation and Industrial Management Sustainable Development.
· Kwo-Liang Tsai,Yu-Ting Huang, Tzong-Ru Lee (April,2023). What′s Edible Oil “Way to Play”in the Health –A Taiwanese Empirical Examination, Journal of Management & s, 30(2), pp.169-195.
· P.O. Skobelev, E.V. Simonova, A.S. Tabachinskiy, E.V. Kudryakov, A.O. Strizhakov, O.I. Goryanin, V.V. Ermakov, Y.K. Chan, T.R. Lee, Y. Sung (2023). Concept and Development of a Multi-Agent Digital Twin of Plant Focused on Broccoli, Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Conference on Intelligent s, Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence (ISMSI′23), pp.132-138.
· Lee, T.-R., Lin, Y.-S., Kassim, E.S. and Sebastian, S. (2023), ′Consumer decisions toward halal purchase before and during COVID-19 pandemic: a grey relational analysis approach′, British Food Journal, 125(9), 3351-3367.
· Guan, J.-L., Lee, T.-R., Mostert, P., Svensson, G. and Høgevold, N.M. (2023), ′A nomological framework of antecedents and postcedents to satisfaction in purchase and sales business relationships′, Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 46-63.
· Ville, I., Lee, T. R., Wang, Y. J., Sinnarong, N. (2023). A Novel C2C2B Business Model Based on the Sustainability of the Social Media Community. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 19(2/3).
· Jyh-Liang, G., Lee, T-R., Roberts-Lombard, M., Svensson, G., Høgevold, N. (2022). Exploring opportunism, conflict, noneconomic satisfaction and economic satisfaction in a B2B context – A buyer and seller perspective. South African Journal of Business Management, 53(1), a3346.
· M. S. Narassima, S. P. Anbuudayasankar, K. Mathiyazhagan, K. Ganesh & Tzong-Ru (Jiun-Shen) Lee. Supply Chain Resilience: Conceptual Model Building and Validation. International Journal of Logistics: Research & Applications. Mar2022, p1-33.
· Jaroenwanit, P., Lee, T. R., Kaenprom, T., Hwang, S. Y. (2022). Value Chain Analysis of Thai Agricultural Social Enterprises. International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation, 3(1), 47-69.
· Lee, T.-R.(.-S., Lin, K.-H., Chen, C.-H., Otero-Neira, C. and Svensson, G. (2022), ′TBL dominant logic for sustainability in oriental businesses′, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol.40 No.7, 837-853.
· Yu-Ting Huang, Lee Tzong-Ru, Alexis P. I. Goh, Jehn-Hwa Kuo, Wen-Yu Lin & Si-Ting Qiu (2022) Post-COVID wellness tourism: providing personalized health check packages through online-to-Offline services, Current Issues in Tourism.
· Lin, T.-H.; Lee, T.-R.; Isoherranen, V. & Sinnarong, N. (2021). The Key Factors of Successful Cross-Border E-Commerce Advancement in Southeast Asia: Grey Relational Analysis of Sustainability. , IAIC conference ( 2021-P033) , pp.164-184.
· Chen, Y. M., & Lee, T. R. (2021). Distribution and logistics centers planning for agricultural products. International Journal of Logistics s and Management, 1(1).
· Jyh-Liang Guan, Tzong-Ru Lee, Carmen Otero-Neira, Göran Svensson & Nils M. Høgevold (2021): Action and Social Alignment Constituents of Collaboration in B2B Relationships: Buyer and Seller Perspectives, Journal of Relationship Marketing.
· Lee, T.-R., Lin, K.-H., Chen, C.-H., Otero-Neira, C. and Svensson, G. (2021), ′A framework of firms′ business sustainability endeavours with internal and external stakeholders through time across oriental and occidental business contexts′, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics,, Vol. 34 No. 5, pp. 963-986.
· Erik van der Burg, Alexander Toet, Daisuke Kaneko, Anne-Marie Brouwer, Jan van Erp, Shota Ushiama, Zahra Abbasi, Henriëtte de Kock, You Jin Kim, Marise Kinnear, Dyah Kusbiantari, Tzong-Ru Lee, Yingxuan Liu, Bohdan Luhovyy, Emily MacEachern, Abadi Gebre Mezgebe, Ronja Nikolova, Ganiyat Olatunde, Wilis Srisayekti, Merve Aslihan Yürek, Victor Kallen, and Muhammad Tahir. (2021). Sequential dependency for affective appraisal of food images. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8, 228.
· Tzong-Ru Lee and Chien-Pang Lee. (2021). Developing Agriculture Purchasing Managers’Index for Describing Taiwan’s AgricultureIndustry by Using Automatic Weighted k-means Algorithm. Current Applied Science and Technology.21(4), Published online: Feb 18, 2021.
· Jeremy Liu, Tzong-Ru Lee*, Magdalee Brunache, Love Lyne Moise, Lin Ting-Yun and Cheng-Ying Liu (2021), Marketing Strategies to Succeed in the Liquor Industry: The Case of Matsu Kaoliang, 2021 Proceedings of International Agriculture Innovation Conference(IAIC 2021).
· Wen-Yu Lin, Tzong-Ru Lee , Nirote Sinnarong, Stephanie Gloria Sebastian, Ching-Yi Wang (2021), Key Tactics Analysis of Hospital Operation and Management by Different Management Levels: A Case Study in Taiwan, International Journal of Healthcare Management, Pages 142-151, Published online: 23 Jan 2021.