
About me

Dr. Wan-Yu Liu (柳婉郁) received her B.B.A. degree in Finance from National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei, Taiwan, in 2002; M.S. degree in Agricultural Economics and Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics from National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan, in 2004 and 2008, respectively. She then joined the faculty of the Applied Natural Resources Department at the Aletheia University (AU), Taiwan. In Feb. 2016, she moved to the Forestry Department, National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), where she is currently a Professor. She has also been a distinguished professor since August 2018. Her research interests include forest policy and economics, forest/farm tourism, environmental economics and modelling, uation of GHG reduction policies, as well as forest management.

Dr. Liu received three best Ph.D. Dissertation awards from Chinese Land Economics Research Institute, the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan, and the Taiwan Society of Rural Development Planning respectively. In 2014-2015, she got outstanding Research Award of National Science Council (now Ministry of Science and Technology). In 2016-2018, she got best paper award from 10th Cross-Strait Forest Management Symposium, Chinese Tourism Management Association Academic Forum, and Taichung City Government Municipal Development Research respectively. Also, in 2019, she got the Outstanding Young Scholar Award in National Chung Hsing University and Outstanding Author Contribution award from Emerald Publishing.



Environmental Science、Agriculture and National Resources、Forestry、Applied Economics



Environmental Economics
Forest Policy and economics
Forest Carbon Sequestration
Carbon Trading and Carbon Pricing
Forest Recreation and Ecotoursim


  • Ph.D. degree in Environmental Economics from National Taiwan University (NTU) Taiwan


Work Experience
  • 2018/08~present: Deputy Dean International College of Innovation and Industry Liaison National Chung Hsing University Taiwan
  • 2018/08~present: Distinguished Professor Department of Forestry National Chung Hsing University Taiwan
  • 2018/02~present: Professor Department of Forestry National Chung Hsing University Taiwan.
  • 2018/02~2019/01: Deputy Director Alumni Center National Chung Hsing University Taiwan.
  • 2016/8~2017/7: Director European Center National Chung Hsing University Taiwan.
  • 2016/2~2018.01: Associate Professor Department of Forestry National Chung Hsing University Taiwan.