
【-~NOW】National Chung Hsing University:Taichung, TW


Education and qualifications


【2023-05 Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science】A nomological framework of antecedents and postcedents to satisfaction in purchase and sales business relationships
【2023-04 】Concept and Development of a Multi-Agent Digital Twin of Plant Focused on Broccoli
【2023- International Journal of Web Based Communities】A novel C2C2B business model based on the sustainability of the social media community
【2023- British Food Journal】Consumer decisions toward halal purchase before and during COVID-19 pandemic: a grey relational analysis approach
【2023- International Journal of Logistics s and Management】Safeguarding Subcontractors in a Co-opetitive Outsourcing Context: The Competitive Dynamics Perspective
【2023- 管理與系統】What′s Edible Oil ′Way to Play′ in the Health -A Taiwanese Empirical Examination
【2022-12 Current Issues in Tourism】Post-COVID wellness tourism: providing personalized health check packages through online-to-Offline services
【2022-09 Marketing Intelligence & Planning】TBL dominant logic for sustainability in oriental businesses
【2022-08 South African Journal of Business Management】Exploring opportunism, conflict, noneconomic satisfaction and economic satisfaction in a B2B context – A buyer and seller perspective
【2022-07 Journal of Relationship Marketing】Action and Social Alignment Constituents of Collaboration in B2B Relationships: Buyer and Seller Perspectives
【2022-04 Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics】A framework of firms′ business sustainability endeavours with internal and external stakeholders through time across oriental and occidental business contexts
【2022- International Journal of Healthcare Management】Key tactics analysis of hospital operation and management by different management levels: A case study in Taiwan
【2022- International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications】Supply chain resilience: conceptual model building and validation
【2022- International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation】Value chain analysis of Thai agricultural social enterprises
【2022- 農林學報】萃取適合區塊鏈平台交易的農產品因素之研究
【2021- Smart Innovation, s and Technologies】Compositional models: iterative structure learning from data
【2021- Current Applied Science and Technology】Developing agriculture purchasing managers’ index for describing taiwan’s agriculture industry by using automatic weighted k-means algorithm
【2021- Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology】Digital twin of rice as a decision-making service for precise farming, based on environmental datasets from the fields
【2021- International Journal of Logistics s and Management】Distribution and logistics centers planning for agricultural products.
【2021- Smart Innovation, s and Technologies】Performance of probabilistic approach and artificial neural network on questionnaire data concerning taiwanese ecotourism
【2021- Humanities and Social Sciences Communications】Sequential dependency for affective appraisal of food images
【2021- European Business Review】The sequence of strategies when establishing Taiwanese restaurant in Thailand
【2021- 農產運銷】從巧克力的國際化歷史給予農產業七個國際化建議
【2021- 消費者報導雜誌】消費好感 原來是這樣來的:服務設計在行銷上的應用
【2021- 消費者報導雜誌】疫後網購新趨勢
【2020-07 International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences】ion of Successors to Family Businesses in Taiwan: Case Study on Small and Medium Enterprises
【2020- Contemporary Management Research】Applying grey relational analysis to uate internal marketing practice: A cross-cultural case study in Taiwan and Mainland China Hotels
【2020- Information (Switzerland)】Digital media: Empowerment and equality
【2020- 】創業管理理論與實務 : 非知不可的幸福創業方程式 = Entrepreneurial Management
【2020- 農產運銷】發展智慧漁港之初探
【2020- 農產運銷】臺灣肉品市場因應未來經營屠體拍賣業務之策略研究
【2019-12 鄉村發展, Vol.21】透過訪談萃取菜市場區塊鏈平台設計之成功關鍵因素
【2019-07 Case Studies: Insights on Agriculture Innovation 2018】The Application of PMI in Agriculture
【2019-03 International Journal of Synergy and Research】Determining the Key Factors for the Advertisement on Micro Cinema Using Grey Relational Analysis and Dramaturgy Model
【2019-03 International Journal of Synergy and Research】The effect of teaching innovation on learning effectiveness among the students of Taiwan and Mainland China universities
【2019- International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation】Additive aggregate function-based data privacy protection algorithm
【2019- Journal of Cleaner Production】Extracting key factors for sustainable development of enterprises: Case study of SMEs in Taiwan
【2019- Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business】Key success factors of blockchain platform for micro-enterprises
【2019- International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation】To determine the key success factors for paperware packaging machinery industry by using AHP-based approach
【2019- 農產運銷】印度尼西亞食品市場投資之探討
【2019- 中國畜牧學會會誌】臺灣肉品市場因應未來經營多元化業務之策略研究
【2018-05 International Journal of Synergy and Research】The Innovation of B2B Brand Story Marketing
【2018- Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)】Assessing Consumers’ Perceptions of Packaging Attributes and Packaging Label of Community’s ‘Green’ Chili (Pepper) Products in Thailand
【2018- Entrepreneurial Management Theory And Practice: With Cases Of Taiwanese Business】Entrepreneurial management theory and practice: With cases of Taiwanese business
【2018- Managing Public Trust】Managing public trust: Cases from Taiwan
【2018- Case Studies: Insights on Agriculture Innovation 2017】New Internet Marketing Strategy: the Application of the CCB Model
【2018- International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation】Strategic risk management in the stocking decisions of frozen vegetables
【2018- International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation】The feasibility study of promotion activities in farmers′ markets with regional agricultural products
【2018- International Journal of Business Innovation and Research】The study of influential factors causing an APP being removed
【2018- Studies in Computational Intelligence】To Compare the key successful factors when choosing a medical institutions among Taiwan, China, and Thailand