
Award-Winning Products
2001 Bloc/Davis Assistantship in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware, Academic Year 2000-2001
2002Student Research Award, the Pennsylvania Water Environment Association (PWEA)
2003 Student Paper Competition Award, Chesapeake Water Environment Association (CWEA)
2003Competitive Fellow Award, University of Delaware, Academic Year 2003
2008 Enthusiastic Service Teacher Award, Chung Hsing University
2009 Ministry of Education National University Interdisciplinary Science Talent Cultivation and Connection Program Excellent Program Award
2009 Silver Medal Award in the Creative Application Competition of Biotechnology R&D Achievements, Ministry of Economic Affairs
2009Excellent Paper Award of 2009 Civil and Ecological Engineering Symposium
2010 Excellent Teacher Service Award, Chung Hsing University
2010 Industry-Academic Excellence Award, Chung Hsing University
2010 Excellent Program Award for National University Interdisciplinary Science Talent Cultivation and Connection Program, Ministry of Education
2011 Awarded special talents, National Science Council
2011 Ministry of Education National University Interdisciplinary Science Talent Cultivation and Connection Program Excellent Program Award
2013 Excellent Tutor Award for the 101st Academic Year, Chung Hsing University
2013 101 School Year Teacher uation Excellence Award, Chung Hsing University
2015 Outstanding Paper Award of the 26th Annual Conference of the Environmental Engineering Society of the Republic of China
The second place in the poster paper of the Member Conference of the Chinese Soil and Fertilizer Society in 2015
2015 International Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE-TAIWAN) 9th Plastic Materials Application and Technical Paper Competition Paper Excellent Paper Award
2015 The 21st National Synchrotron Radiation Center User Annual Conference and Seminar, Taiwan Light First Award
2016 Guiding Changhua Senior High School Cai Zijun, Xiao Yuen, Shi Shutangs 104th National Senior High School High-level Special Achievement Joint Presentation Gold Medal Award
2016 2016 Advanced Chemistry Use-in-One Paper Report Contest, Second Place in Applied Chemistry Group
2016 2016 Advanced Chemistry Uses One Paper Report Competition Analysis and Third Place in Physical Chemistry Group
2016 Outstanding Academic Award of Perpetual Agricultural Law of China Sustainable Agriculture Association
2016 2016 Ministry of Educations Biotechnology Industry Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Cultivation Program
2016 22nd National Synchrotron Radiation Center User Annual Conference and Seminar and Seminar Outstanding Research
2016 2016 Ministry of Education Biotechnology Industry Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Cultivation Program Advanced Competition Gold Award
2016 2016 Best Popularity Award in the Poster Contest of the Ministry of Educations Biotechnology Industry Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Cultivation Project
2016 2016 Bronze Award of Entrepreneurship Award of Agricultural Biotechnology Group, Biotechnology Industry Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Cultivation Program of Ministry of Education
2016Excellent poster papers of the Member Conference of the Chinese Soil and Fertilizer Society in 2016
2016 2016 Cathay Pacific Excellence Award
2016 The 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Engineering, the first place in the National Postgraduate Outstanding Paper Competition
2016 The 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Engineering, the second place in the National Excellent Paper Competition for College Students
2017 2017 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation, Best Paper Award
2017 2017 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation, Best Paper Award
2017 2017 Advanced Chemistry Use One Student Thesis Oral Report Competition, Master, Doctorate, Master, Ph.D. 1st Prise
2017 2017 Advanced Chemistry Use One-in-One Student Thesis Poster Competition 1st Prise in the Master and Doctoral Masters Group
2017 2017 National Teacher-Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
2017 National Top Ten Outstanding Agricultural Experts
2017 Second place in the National Excellent Essay Competition for College Students at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Engineering Society
2017 1st Pan American Congress of Nanotechnology Fundamentals and Applications to Shape the Future International Symposium Best Paper Award
2017 Future Technology Award of the Ministry of Science and Technology
2018 Ministry of Educations 106 annual college graduate’s entrepreneurship service plan manufacturing group d excellent performance team
2018 2018 International Advanced Chemistry Symposium Oral Report 1st Prise in Advanced Chemistry Group
2018 2018 International Advanced Chemistry Symposium Poster Paper Contest
2018 Outstanding Paper Award of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Engineering Society
2018 The 15th National Innovation Award-Academic Research Innovation Award
2019 National Chung Hsing University Problem-Oriented Learning Program Teacher and Student Model Award
2019 2019 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation Best Paper Award
2019 2019 International Conference on Advances in Civil and Ecological Engineering Research Best Oral Presentation Award
2019 2019 International Conference on Graphene and Novel Nanomaterials (GNN 2019) Best Paper Poster Award
2019 2019 International Conference on Clean Water, Air & Soil International Conference Best Oral Presentation Award
2019 R&D Achievement Technology Transfer Award Excellent Award, Chung Hsing University
2019 The 16th National Innovation Award-Academic Research Innovation Award
2019 Best Paper Award at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Engineering Technical Paper Award
2020 National Chung Hsing University Digital Teaching Program Teacher an d Student Model Award
2020 Taipei Biotechnology Awards Technology Transfer Cooperation Award
2020 113th AWMA Annual Conference: Doctor Student Poster Competition: Best Paper Award
2020 The 17th National Innovation Award-Study and Research Innovation Award Renewal Award
2020 26th National Synchrotron Radiation Center User Annual Conference & Seminar & Seminar Best Popularity Award in Biological Science
2020 First Prize in the Doctoral Dissertation Competition of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Engineering
2020 First Place in the Thirty-second Annual Conference of the Society of Environmental Engineering
2020 Qing En Education Foundation 2020 Green Technology Paper Award