
Hung M. H., Lin, K. C., Wu, C. C., Juang, J. H., Lin, Y. Y., & Chang, C. Y. (2021). Effects of Complex Functional Strength Training on Balance and Shooting Performance of Rifle Shooters. Applied Sciences, 11(13), 6143.(SCI)(2020 Impact Factor = 2.842)

MH Hung, CY Chang, KC Lin, CL Hung, CS Ho (2020). The Applications of Landing Strategies in Badmn Footwork Training on a Backhand Side Lateral Jump Smash. Journal of Human Kinetics, 2020; 73(1), 19-31. (SCI)(Impact Factor = 1.664; Ranking = 61/81 (75.3%, Q4) in Sport Sciences)

Wu, CC., Wang, MH., Chang, CY., Hung, MH., Wang, HH., Chen, KC., ... & Lin, KC. (2021). The acute effects of whole body vibration stimulus warm-up on skill-related physical capabilities in volleyball players. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-7.(SCI)(Impact Factor = 3.988; Ranking = 8/111 (7.2%, Q1) in Multidisciplinary)

MH Wang, KC Chen, MH Hung, CY Chang, CS Ho, CH Chang, KC Lin (2020). Effects of Plyometric Training on Surface Electromyographic Activity and Performance during Blocking Jump of College Division I Men′s Volleyball Athletes. Applied Sciences, 10(13), 4535. (SCI)(Impact Factor = 2.474; Ranking = 32/91 (35.2%, Q2) in Engineering, Multidisciplinary)

CL Hung, MH Hung, CY Chang, HH Wang, CS Ho, KC Lin (2020).Influences of lateral jump smash actions in different situations on the lower extremity load of badmn players. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 19(2), 264. (SCI)(Impact Factor = 1.806; Ranking = 51/85 (60.0%, Q3) in Sport Sciences)

Ho, CS., Lin, KC., Hung, MH., Chang, CY., & Chen, KC. (2019). design and application for uation of digging agility in college male volleyball players. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 233(3), 424-431. (SCI)(Impact Factor = 1.000; Ranking = 112/130 (86.2%, Q4) in Engineering, Mechanical)

Chang, CY., Hung, MH., Ho, CS., & Lin, KC. (2019). The Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Fencers′ Special Abilities. Perceptual and motor skills, 126(5), 973-985. (SCI)(Impact Factor = 1.245; Ranking = 74/87 (85.1%, Q4) in Psychology, Experimental)

Hung, MH, Chang, CY, Kung, CC and Lin, KC (2018). Different Inertia Resistance Training on the Performance of the Biceps. Athens: ATINER′S Conference Paper Series, No: FIT2018-2567.

CC Wu, MH Hung, CY Chang, MH Wang, KC Lin. (2021). Kinetic analysis of training volleyballs of different mass during rebounding. Physical Education Journal, 54(1), 1-11. (TSSCI)

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洪敏豪、張曉昀、洪佳翎、羅瑭勻、黃鉢登、張家豪 (2018)。模擬擊球對羽球側向跳下肢落地的動力學效應。體育學報,52 (2),199-210。(TSSCI)

林威名、洪敏豪、吳政文、何金山。 (2017)。 橄欖球選手啟動速度與下肢爆發力之相關性分析。 運動表現期刊,4(2),99-104。

洪敏豪、張家豪、張博涵 (2014)。側向跳躍著地動作之踝關節傷害機轉與預防。運動表現期刊,1(2),1-4。

張博涵、黃長福、洪敏豪 (2014)。急停跳動作之傷害機轉與預防-以生物力學觀點進行探討。運動表現期刊,1(1),25-28。

洪敏豪、林謙如、吳國輝、張曉昀 (2012)。游泳, 棒球, 及網球選手肩關節活動度的差異。華人運動生物力學期刊,(7),161-164。